Thursday, November 17, 2011

Randoms (1)

I have to just get these things off my chest. They tickle my mind late at night and serve to distract me during the day. Sometimes it's the little lingering, unresolved thoughts that produce the most stress. At any rate... here are my "randoms."

  • The book Babywise and its theories on raising children yells at me, in my head, just like my mothers critiques. I can ignore the "voices," disagree with them and even distance myself from them but they are always there. (telling me I'm not measuring up) I ask you, HOW CAN A BOOK have so much impact when I didn't follow it in the first place?

  • Selah's hair is lightening. I'm scared she'll be blonde. I know this is insignificant but the color of a girls hair really does, I think, impact how others view them and therefore how they view themselves. I don't know what to do with a blonde daughter.

  • My son is very, very naughty lately. I loose my temper with him and grow weary of his whining. His constant, constant pointing and whining. I need more grace for the "almost two's."

  • I can't seem to find a babysitter for the ONE day I need to be in the office in order to keep my job. It's extremely part-time...maybe that is the problem? I have just a few weeks before I'm slated to return. What to do, what to do?

  • I watched yet another drug bust outside my front door yesterday. I want to move and yet I'm growing closer and closer to all these wonderful moms that live next door, across the street, up the road from me. How much weight should "community" hold over such decisions?

  • Speaking of weight, *sigh* I need to loose some. Or a lot. Breastfeeding is supposed to help and in truth, I am down almost 30 from pregnancy weight but I need, *NEED* to loose 30 more. (or more) This is always a struggle for me.

  • Breastfeeding...evidently I make good milk. Selah is a chunky monkey. And wow, formula is so expensive but I still long for a day when I can go out for longer than 3 hours and not need to whip out a boob in public or worry that Selah won't take a bottle or feel like my boobs are going to fall off due to engorgement. It's a season...I know this, but for me, it's a hard one. I don't gush over breastfeeding like some women do. It's more like a form of slavery to me, as Sarkozy called it recently.

  • I've missed another fall season. Having newborns late summer/early fall two years in a row...makes fall a blur. And it's my favorite of the seasons which makes me sad. Old Man Winter is almost here again and I'm just not sure I can endure another hard Pittsburgh winter. The grey skies are SO DEPRESSING!

  • I started a Read The Bible In A Year program two weeks ago and got through 4 days. And now that I've "failed" I don't want to start again because it'll be too much make-up reading for my little, mommybrain mind to manage. I hate failure. I'm mad at myself.

  • I'm going to Play Space today for the first time - and will be meeting more moms in the area and affiliated with my church. This always scares me. Motherhood has a way of opening up some of the cruelest judgement. I'm going to write about this more because it's such a HARD thing right now for me but I'll just say this for now, parenting styles have a way of destroying relationships or bonding friends closer and closer together. How can it be so dividing? Who cares if I breastfeed or sleep train or use cloth diapers or when I potty train my child? I mean, really? But evidently, it does to LOTS and LOTS of people. I both crave and fear meeting other mothers.

Gotta run. This concludes my vent session for the month. (or the day)


Hilary said...

We SO need to spend more time together.

Kathryn said...

Love this list of random wonderful thoughts!!! as to the role community should play in your decision to move.. well... i can only hope it continues to GAIN weight while you lose it. :) oh and also, the good thing that is around the corner for you and breastfeeding is that it keeps getting further apart. now we do 7 am, noon, 4 or 5 and bedtime. Easy peasy. I remember racing home from chapel services because she was hungry at 10:00am ahhhhh.

Claudia Cabrera said...

Many of these thoughts Lindsay, really hit close to home. "More grace for the almost two's" I am at the two's already and I find that sometimes my patience is not at the level it should be...or is it? I am also constantly scared of the fine line between feeling like a bad mom for not giving in to every one of 'their' demands combined with the constant fear of not being disciplined enough, especially at this stage. Will she grow up to be a spoiled and undisciplined child? If I am too disciplined, will she not like me, not love me? Motherhood judgement is always something that haunts me. You are right about people who are quick to judge, people shouldn't care but they do. I even judge myself what I am doing right, is it wrong?
I want to raise a wonderful daughter and by all means she is, however I feel the constant pressure to ensure she continues on the right path.

I am done with my mumbling...I feel a little...'relieved' =)

Jodi Brennan said...

Coffee sooner than later! We can chat about all of the above! Love ya.

Lindsay Louise said...

@Hilary, Yes, I'm game. @Kathryn Marie, I'm pretty sure I couldn't be a mom without you. :D @Claudia Cabrera, I cannot WAIT to meet you. In person. @Jodi Brennan, I'll see you tonight. And yes, more coffee dates please? Your parenting style has been one that I've looked to as very balanced. I'm always encouraged by you.:D