A Little Life Overview
YEAR 7, 2016-2017 six pack, soccer boy, piano lessons, Kindergarten at Bon Meade - Moon Tigers, reading, wrestling, Pokemon and tablet obsessed, cousin time, sleep overs, hater of hot dogs, fully swimming, pull ups, push ups, bunk beds, trips to Grandma's and PaPa's, cousin friends, summer fun at Daddy's, pool time, dishwasher emptier, logical and argumentative (in the best way), tubing, sledding, so much self-confidence, MiMi & PapPap Sunday dinners, walks on the Montour Trail, camping with "the guys" and cousins, catching crayfish, New friends, all of Kindergarten - Mitchell still wins the BFF card, 2016 - A Year in ReviewYEAR 4, 2013-2014 lean and lanky and "healfy and strong," Octonauts, Superhero's, shrimp, first music interest (drums - thanks to Uncle David, the rockstar), DINOSAURS, first ice-skate, first move into a new place, winter McDonalds Tuesdays, Friends: Miles, Julia, "G", Piper, Mitchell, LuLu, Brady, Lucy, Caleb, Gavin, all the other "cousin-friends," swords, "Sissy" AKA: Selah - his friend and nemesis, Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord, Kids Club, first Christmas concert, first family "performance," first week away with Grandma and PaPa in Lancaster, Candyland, spring/summer part-time daycare, first camping experience - "alone in my own tent," Miss Kayla, summer swimming, National History Museum, 2013 Family Fun - a year in review, FROZEN!
YEAR 3, 2012-2013: developing "the core," Thomas the Train, potty trained, Tuesday park or McDonalds, "I'm going to marry Meatball" AKA: Anneleise, Beast of Burden Brother, first time in a wedding, first Cucumber Falls, shoelace obsessions, trains in West Park, the ducks, Friends: Miles, Julia, Piper, LuLu, "G," cousin-friends, first train ride, Pledge of Allegiance, Miss Kayla, dump trucks, dirt piles, first hikes with Pap, Nico the Farmer, began sharing a room with Sissy, Dr. Seuss
YEAR 2, 2011-2012: at 13 months, "I'm a big brother!" kale and beans, letters learned, Zoo Booh, eating mulch, playing Risk with daddy and a sippy cup, cow milk addictions, Super Why, Play Space, Friends: Luke, Miles, Harlow, Michael, Julia, Keely, "G," MISS KAYLA, Moms Club, car and truck "lined ups"
YEAR 1, 2010-2011: first beach - outer banks, NC, christmas wrapping paper garbage, crawling, babbling, black beans and cheerios, breast milk but mostly formula, projectile vomiting, target diapers discovered, Ren fest, Bumbo chair, Moms Club, Mr. Brown Can Moo, Dedication at Allegheny Center Alliance Church, little pumpkin
BIRTH: August 7, 2010: 8:12AM, 8 pounds, 4 ounces, 21 inches long, perfectly round head, lazy nurser, fidgeting sleep and hilarious noises, Dr. Seuss themed nursery, born at Mercy Hospital, Midwives: Kara/Anne via cesarean section. More here on The birth story